Friday, January 29, 2010

Part 7

Chapter 7

SiWon take a long vacation. And spend alone with SooJin.
Mr. Choi: When will he and SooJin marry? They already got a son.
Mrs. Choi: Hmm I think SiWon will ask her hand of marriage. Just wait.

SuAh: Hmm SooJin is very secretive over the years.
Young Hee: Isn’t she with that guy?
SuAh: What Guy? SJ-Choi SiWon?
Young Hee: Didn’t you see her picture all over in the paper?
SuAh: But that angle doesn’t look like her. Oppa are you sad that SooJin didn’t chose you?
Young Hee: I am not.
SuAh: At first I was popping mad that she and SiWon Oppa become a couple. I was like this ‘when did SooJin know SiWon Oppa? Didn’t she said that she don’t like chasing Idols?’ I was completely a fool. And we are best friend yet she kept it from me.
Young Hee: When did you know? Hwan told you?
SuAh: Yes, Hwan told me and I told him crazy.

Three years has pass,
SiWon still busy than ever, SooJin taking good care of their son; Choi Bin.
Binnie: Mummy when can I see daddy?
SooJin: Ah bin how many times that I told you? Your Appa is very busy.
Mrs. Choi: Why Binnie is bugging mummy? Are you a good and obedient boy?
Binnie: Yeah I am. I just miss daddy.
Mrs. Choi: Come Binnie, granny let you see your Appa pictures.
Binnie: Appa pictures? When he is a child?
Mrs. Choi: Yup. Come don’t bother your Omma.
SooJin stays in the Choi family after Bin is born. They haven’t married yet. SiWon got no spare time. His father is in a rage when ever he saw SiWon in the house. Every time SooJin will comfort her father-in-law.

In the middle of the night;
SiWon quietly came back without telling anyone.
He bath and change into pajamas and went to bed, shock that SooJin is not in the room. He went to their son room to check is she sleeping with Binnie but she is not there as well. ‘Where can she be at this hour of time?’
He walk to the garden and SooJin is there.
SiWon: SooJin ah why are you here? Are you trying to catch a cold?
SooJin: Oh SiWon you’re back. I was reading and slowly dose off. SiWon held her cold hands and went to their room.
SiWon: Did Binnie keep asking about me?
SooJin: Of course, you’re his Appa you know. And he is only 3. I miss you too.
They kiss and hug together.
SiWon: How about give Binnie a baby brother or sister?
SooJin: You want another baby? But you seldom at home.
SiWon: I will try to stay at home.
SooJin: This time I refuse to have another baby. Everyday I look at Binnie, pinning for his daddy and get disappointed at the end of the day.
SiWon: But having one child is too quiet. Come on let’s have another one.
SooJin: No. and it is final.
SiWon: Wae? SooJin?
Knocks on their door, its SiWon mother.
Mrs. Choi: Why quarreling at this hour?
SooJin: Sorry Omma. We just have different view on things.
Mrs. Choi: What are you two quarrel about?
SooJin: Nothing. We are fine now.
SiWon: Yeah Omma. We are alright already.

After SiWon mother gone, they were silent and just sleep in their bed through out the night.
Early in the morning SooJin went out. She is visiting her parents together with Binnie.

SiWon woke up about 11.00am.
Mrs. Choi: Son it is already late in the morning.
SiWon: Where is Binnie? He went to school already?
Mrs. Choi: Nope. Today no school. Sunday where got school huh? SooJin take Binnie with her. She is going to her parents place for a week. Binnie will return this evening.
SiWon: SooJin will be staying at her parents place?
Mrs. Choi: What happen with you two? My poor grand son. Hardly see his Appa now SooJin is staying with her parents. Lucky Binnie is with us. What makes SooJin want to stay with her parents for a week?
SiWon: How could I know?
Mrs. Park: SooJin!
SooJin: Omma.
Binnie: granny.
Mrs. Park: This is Binnie? Wow he is so cute just like his Appa.
SooJin: WE are having cold wars at the moment. Can don’t mention his name?
Mrs. Park: Wae? Having fights?
SooJin: A small one.
Chae Yoon: Wow your son so big already?
Binnie: Chae Yoon ajjusi. Jump into his arms.
SooJin take Binnie to a amusement park.
Binnie: Mummy pali pali…
SooJin: Stop running Bin. I can’t catch up.
SiWon keeps dialing her cell but she set to silent mode.
She watch Binnie sit on the tut-tut train and read her book.
Binnie: Mummy this is fun. Can we come again?
SooJin: I’ll see. Come Uncle Val is waiting at the car park.
Binnie: Omma you’re not coming with me?
SooJin: Bin ah you have to listen to your Granny okie?
Binnie: Arraso. Bye Mummy.
At Choi’s;
Mrs. Choi: Bin ah, I miss you so.
Binnie: Me too.
Mrs. Choi: You’re sad because Mummy didn’t come back with you?
Binnie: Ya. Granny I want bath.
Granny: Arraso.
SiWon: Binnie.
Binnie: Appa! Cries in SiWon arms. ‘I want mummy’
SiWon: No worries, daddy will bring her back okie?
He tuck his son in bed.

SooJin didn’t sleep at her parents place. Before headed to the Hotel, she walks alone in the park.
A drunkard bumps into SooJin and causes her to fall.
Hwan: Well what have we here? Park SooJin… or Choi’s Woman?
SooJin: Hwan?
He slowly moving closer to her.
Hwan: Where is he huh? How can he leave you here? Ah I know he dump you? So fast huh? Be with me. I will treat you well.
SooJin: You are drunk.
Hwan: What drunk? I am still single and I am still waiting for you.
SooJin: Hwan stop all the nonsense.
He grabs her shoulder tightly; ‘I know you haven’t married to him yet.’ He tries to kiss her and fell on the ground.
SiWon: Didn’t I warn you, don’t touch on her!
SooJin: SiWon?
He drag her to his car. Headed to the seaside.
SiWon: A woman walking at the park, at this hour.
SooJin: Why are you here?
SiWon: Me? I want to take you back.
SooJin: Back? Your place? My parents place?
SiWon: You intent to stay at Hotel?
SooJin: Yes I do.
SiWon: Come back with me, Bin already miss his mummy.
SooJin: So?
SiWon: and I miss you too. Please?
SooJin: No. I will go home when I want to.
SiWon: Wae? Come on SooJin!
SooJin: No!
SiWon: Yes omma. What? Bin is having high fever? Okie I am coming home now.
SooJin went with him.
SiWon: How’s Bin?
Mrs. Choi: Still hot. Doctor Jung already give him some medicine.
Both of them rush to his room.
SooJin: My poor baby. It is my fault. Sobs…
SiWon: it is my fault too. I am a bad father.
SooJin: Ani. You’re a great husband and a father. It is just that you’re busy with your career.
Bin: Mummy, Daddy?
Both: We are here.
Bin: I am sorry to make everyone worried.
SooJin: Silly. I am here now.
Bin: So Omma is made up with Appa?
SooJin: Yeah.
SiWon: I will try to be home.

SME: SiWon did you really like the papers stated?
SiWon: What on the paper?
SME: Did you have a son already 3 years old?
SiWon: Where did you get the info?
SME: So it is true? OMG when this happen? In the contact, you can’t get married or dated!
SiWon: Ah. I really love her and I am sorry.
SME: What a mess! So what are you intend to do?
SiWon: I want to marry her. Very simple.
SME: No! you can’t!
SiWon: I have waited 3 years and you want me to wait? For how long? 5 years? 10 years?
SME: Right now you can’t do whatever you like!
After SME say a big no to him and he has to stay in the Dom with the members.

to be continue...happy reading...fighting!

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