Tuesday, February 9, 2010

YunHo&HwangBo Fan-Fiction
Part 1
JJ: Why are you so restless?
Yun: Me? I think I am tired.
JJ: Ah you worry about the Tokyo Dome Concert?
Yun: Ah that is one of the reasons.
JJ: So what is the other reason?
Yun: I still can’t believe that the King of Pop is dead. MJ is dead!
JJ: We all are sad, YunHo. People will die one day, unfortunately MJ time is up.
YC: Hmm another talented person has left us.
Yun: Oh, excuse me need to take my call.
JJ: Go ahead.
CM: Don’t you think YunHo Hyung is kind of strange?
JJ: Hmm, ya I can feel that too. Maybe MJ death is abit affected? And the Tokyo Dome Concert too. Stress.
YC: Ya, I think Yunho is having too much stress these days. We also have pressure too but can’t compare with YunHo.
Yun: I am sorry; I need to get away from them.
HB: I don’t think I can attend your concert in Japan.
Yun: Why?
HB: Hmm I think there will be a lot of fans rite?
Yun: Oh? But I still want you to come. You know that I want you to come badly.
HB: I know but I will see about it. So are you still sad about MJ death?
Yun: Ya. I am still don’t believe that he is gone, just like that.
HB: All his fans from all over the whole are grieving and you are one of it, right?
Yun: Oh Jung…Please.
HB: Wae? Wait a sec, what did you call me? Aren’t you call me HwangBo Noona?
Yun: You want me to call you HwangBo Noona? Wae?
HB: We are friends right? I think you better call me Noona.
Yun: NO!
The boys were shocked that YunHo shouted ‘NO’. JJ decided to go and see why YunHo shouted a big ‘NO’. Before JJ can reach out YunHo he is pull away by YooChun.
JJ: Ya!
YC: Don’t disturb him, he is talking to his gal.
JJ: Gal? Girlfriend? How do you know? YooChun?
YC: Hmm, should be girlfriend.
YooChun drag JJ away so that he won’t bother YunHo chatting with HB. YooChun know YunHo is trying to date HB but HB hasn’t agreed to be his girlfriend. At first YooChun also want to court HB but he find out, YunHo still like her and intend to court her, YooChun has to back off.
HB: YunHo ah, let me get this straight, are you wooing me?
Yun: What I say yes? And?
HB: Hmm, I need time.
Yun: Time? I waited for you for a long time. Back then, I did ask you out but you say no.
HB: Not just you I say no. Okie it is late, hmm I want to turn in early. Good night, YunHo.
Yun: Night, Jung.
After they finish on the cell, YunHo just say nothing to his boys and went to his room.
CM: What is wrong with YunHo Hyung?
JJ: Hmm I would like to know too.
The next few days, Yunho keeps Sms to HB asking her to be his girlfriend. HB did not reply back.

HB: Hello, who’s on the line?
HJ: Hi Noona it is me, HyunJoong.
HB: Oh HyunJoong ah, so nice to call me?
HJ: Ya, well we are friends so any plans on the 4th?
HB: 4th? Why ask?
HJ: Oh nothing I wonder are you free that day.
HB: I don’t know yet. I have to check. You want my answer now?
HJ: Yeah, so are you free?
HB: Can I call you later? There is a call coming in. Bye HyunJoong.
HJ: Oh Noona, okie bye.
HB: YunHo, what are you going to ask me?
Yun: Ah, nothing.
HB: Nothing? Okie I was on the other line with HJ ssi, so I hang up and continue to chat with him ok?
Yun: ‘NO’!
JJ: He is yelling again. What is wrong with him?
HB: Wae? Can’t I ?
Yun: Why you keep making difficult for me? I already sent the ticket to you, you will receive it later on, bye, Jung.
HB: Ya! Aigoo, he just hang up on me. Sincha ah.
JunJin: Who hang on you? BF?
HB: No, just an admirer.
JunJin: Who?
HB: Hmm nothing important. Stop asking. Where is SiYoung?
JunJin: Hmm at home. Wae?
HB: Ah pass this bag to her.
JunJin: Okie so you want to eat something?
HB: Hmm okie, let’s go to the canteen to eat.
The DBSK were also at the canteen too. Ya, YunHo saw HB with JunJin. He is displease but the anger in him was not shown out.
DBSK: Hi Hyung! Hi Noona!
JunJin: Hi boys. Hardly to see you here.
HB: Hi.
JunJin: You guys can join us if you want?
JJ: Ya, of course Hyung.
The rest also sit with JunJin Hyung and HB Noona. But HB make an excuse and she waves and leave. 5 minutes, YunHo say he want to take something from the car, as soon he is out of sight at the canteen. He run as fast to catch up HB.
Yun: Jung, wait up. HB heard YunHo and turn back saw him running and she also run away from him. When almost reach HB, he forward his hand and grab her arms. ‘Why are you avoiding me?’
HB: No I am not.
Yun: You didn’t sms back to me, this like you are trying to avoid me?
Just as HB want to go again, YunHo grabs her waist close to him.
Yun: So are you really want to continue like this? Why? I am not good enough?
HB: No, YunHo,[her heart beating is fast] sincha ah.
Yun: So? People fall in love, what is stopping you to accept my love?
HB: You should know what will happen. Tries to remove his arms around her waist. *note* HB is afraid of Yunho crazy fans.
Yun: You scared? Come on Jung, I will protect you. Can you give me a chance and yourself too. Do you have feeling for me?
HB: I…Err…
Yun: So, [held her hands closely]
HB: Hmm just give me time, ya I need time to consider.
Yun: No, I want to know now.
JJ: What took YunHo so long? I better go check it out.
YC: He know what to do, just stay put, he will be back. Why so worry about him?
JJ: Ah,YooChun. Arraso.
HB: I’m in a hurry so emm, can you let go of my hand?
Yun: NO!
HB: Stop behaving like a child. Just let go.
YunHo getting himself more close to HB and using his arms wrap around her waist pulling her so near that HB doesn’t dare to look at his eyes, ‘Do you have feel for me? Jung?’ And YunHo turn his head a bit lower and kiss her lips slowly and hug her tightly. At first, HB didn’t return the kiss to him, her lips simply didn’t move at all. YunHo just kiss her lips, slowly insert his tongue into HB’s mouth, she is shock that his tongue is trying to get in her mouth, so she use both of her hands to push him away but his strength is strong unable to push him. He kiss her more passionately and her hands slowly move to Yunho back and hug him and her lips also move and yes, she is kissing him back, YunHo is touched and just kiss there. I am sorry I didn’t mention that while YunHo chase after her and catch up with her, he drags HB to their personal dressing room and he lock the door so that no one can come inside.
Yun: So is that a yes from you? Jung?
HB nods her head as she is shy and YunHo hugs more tightly.
HB: Hmm, won’t your members worry that you gone so long?
Yun: Nope. Wae? Try to ditch me off?
HB: Wae say like that? But I really have to go.
Yun: Where are you going?
HB: I am going to record my next album.
Yun: Really? You must give me one and writes ‘to my bf; Yunho I love u’
HB: NO! Too cheesy. Hahaha.
Yun: Wae? Okie Don’t write anything but draw something on it.
HB: Arraso. Opps let me wipe it off for you; there is lipstick mark on you. Ok I clean it off. Hmm I will call you later okie?
Yun: Okie, I will wait but if you didn’t call, I will call you instead.
HB: Okie whatever you wish.
Before they departed, HB slightly kiss his lips and wave to him and YunHo return to the canteen.
JJ: So what things you forgot to take?
Yun: Oh I thought I left my wallet and cell in the car, and realize that my cell is in my bag.
JS: But you gone so long.
JJ: Ya, you gone quite long, so did you go else where?
Yun: No. I am sorry JunJin Hyung.
JunJin: Ah it is okie, quickly eat up your food it is getting cold. Okie I am done here, see you again.
They waves to JunJin, and ChangMin starts to question YunHo.
CM: Are you hiding something? I can senses that you are weird today.
Yun: Nah, just eat up, we have to go soon.
YC: Speak for yourself, we are almost done with our food.
Yun: Okie, I eat as fast as I can.
So YunHo finish his food just as they are leaving, they saw HB outside the building.
JJ: What’s wrong? Noona?
HB: Oh I think my car has broken down and I am late.
Yun: You can ride with us. So where are you going?
HB: To the recording studio.
JS: Oh, we are heading there too.
YC: Come together with us, since we are going to the same place.
HB: Oh thanks.
All of them: No problem.
Well as we all know DBSK always have fans trailing them and took some fan-cam videos, ah yes HB aboard to their car is recorded down. Some fans are furious that why HB Noona can seat in their Oppa’s car. Again, HB receives tons of hate-mail in her Cy’s world. She shook her head again. ‘I just hate this, once again I ended myself a lot of trouble. But I need to trust him. I really love him.’

HJ saw the papers were abit shock that HB aboard DBSK’s car two days ago, he decide to call JJ Hyung.
HJ: Hyung, why HB Noona is in the car?
JJ: Oh? Hmm let me think, ah I remember HB Noona’s car broke down and she is going to the same place as us so we give her a lift. The media always like to mess up in the paper, poor Noona. I think she is getting hate-mails again. But I am sure someone will shower her lotsa lotsa loves.
HJ: Love? Lotsa? Who? Hyung who is the person? Your boys?
JJ: Hmm? I just say some random words. I thought you also close to her? You can ask her.
HJ: You seem know something that I don’t know about.
JJ: Aiya, Joongie I can’t say becoz I don’t really know are they real in a relationship. So I can’t tell you. Sorry.
HJ: Oh it is okie.
JJ: Anything else? We will talk some other day okie?
HJ: Okie. Bye Hyung.
HJ did ask HB but nothing comes out from her too.

Manager: So what happen? Explain.
HB: Oh my car breaks down, and they offer me a ride since we are going to the same place.
Manager: Okie I will get the bottom of it. Better don’t lie.
HB: I am telling the truth.
Both HB&YunHo has been warning again.
Yun: So are you alright?
HB: Yeah I am fine, how about you?
Yun: Me? Not good at all.
HB: Wae? Your manager scold you badly?
Yun: Hmm more than that.
HB: Sincha? So where are you now? Home? Japan?
Yun: Nope.
HB: So where are you actually? I am worried.
Yun: Later I will be in Japan to promote our Concert. So I ask again, will you attend my Concert?
HB: No, I won’t. I have something on. Sorry YunHo. I will make up for it okie?
Yun: Okie. I still wish you will go. Bye Jung.
HB: Yeah, bye. After she finish with YunHo on the phone, she sms to HJ saying she is not free on the 4th and 5th.
HJ: Oh it is ok, next time. Is Noona going to DBSK concert in Japan? Their concert is also on 4th&5th. Too much coincident already.
So on the 3rd of July, HB already flies to Japan. As for DBSK they already there on the 2nd, they have to rehearsal. After the practice, YunHo seizes the time-out and call HB, but HB turns off her cell making YunHo more curious why she turns off her phone. So he calls JunJin Hyung.
Yun: Hyung do you know where is HB Noona is?
JunJin: Why are you looking for her?
Yun: Oh I have something to ask her. Do you know how to contact her?
JunJin: You can call her cell phone. Don’t you have her number?
Yun: I can’t reach her cell. I think she switch off.
JunJin: Switch off? Hmm she seldom switches off her cell. So why are you so eager to find her? You two are dating?
Yun: Hmm…No.
JunJin: No? Are you sure? You sound like a BF who is looking for your GF.
Yun: Sincha? Hmm, but I am not. Bye Hyung.
JunJin: Bye. Why YunHo is so eager to find Jung?
Yun: Where can she be? I sent her so many message and voice message, why she didn’t reply back? I have her manager number I just call him.
Manager: Hi who is on the line?
Yun: Hi I am Yunho.
Manager: YunHo? DBSK YunHo?
Yun: Yes. May I ask you something?
Manager: Okie, what you want to ask?
Yun: Where is Hye Jung? I seem can’t contact her.
Manager: HB HyeJung?
Yun: Ya. Do you know where she went?
Manager: I think she is on a trip. But she didn’t tell me where she went. I am sorry. Anything else?
Yun: No. Thanks for telling.
Manager: Why would YunHo want to find HB? For what?
Yun: Sincha ah…Jung where are you?
JJ: What are you doing?
Yun: Nothing. Wae?
JJ: Nothing? You keep forgot the steps and the lines, is there something bothering you?
Yun: No. Maybe I am nervous, the concert is tomorrow. I will try my best.
JJ: I hope so.

On 4th of July, the concert in Japan. At Tokyo Dome. Wow many fans were at the stadium. Very crowed…HB is at the entrance.
HB: Wow this stadium is so big and so many fans too. Wow they are getting stable in Japan industry. Why I feel so pressure? I shouldn’t agree to be his gal in the first place.
HB didn’t wear any make-up, so the fans hardly recognizes her.
Soon the concert is starting, all the fans screaming as the DBSK is on the stage. Before the concert is drawing end, HB make her leave and headed back to her hotel.
HB: Wow so many messages…All are from YunHo. Should I text him back? Ah better not. He will call me back. Eh where is my keychain? Omo, couldn’t be? I have go back…

At the backstage; the boys are resting.
JJ: Wow so many people.
Yun: Ya. I am touched that we are loved by the Japanese fans.
YC: You sound so strange.
Yun: Me?
JS: Ya, anything wrong?
Yun: Nothing. Wae?
CM: Since Hyung say no.
HB has arrived at the stadium, ask the guard to let her in. She explain that she has drop something important inside. And the guard let her in but can’t stay long.
So the boys also headed back to their hotel, YunHo ask the boys to go first. He has things to ask the stage manager.
Yun: Don’t worry, I will be back in the hotel.
While waiting Mr. Ken, YunHo went to the stage, strange is YunHo saw a figure is out there like finding something.
Yun: Hey you there, don’t you know you can’t stay here?
HB: Why is he still here? I have to go before he notice me. HB bows to him and dash out the stadium.
Yun: What a strange person.
After YunHo has discuss with the stage manager, he told him that just now a fan is still in the stadium, Mr.Ken told YunHo that the lady is not a Japanese hardly understand but the lady drop something important so the guard let her in.
Yun: A what? Not Japanese fan? Korea?
Mr.Ken: I think it is a Korean fan. Wow not only attracted the local but your fans from Korea also supports you here.
Yun: But in Korea we will open a Concert too, ya I am surprise that Korean fans come to Japan to watch us.
The next day morning, the boys have to rehearsal to make sure that no mistake later on. Then one of the crew take something to them.
Crew: Is this yours?
JJ: No it is not mine.
JS: Wait a sec, I seen this before. This is not in the market.
JJ: How do you know it is not out yet?
YC: Ya I also seen that too. Our leader has one like this.
Crew: So this is belong to YunHo?
Yun: What is belong to me?
Crew: This. It is yours?
YunHo was shock that how come the keychain is here?
JJ: Why you look so shocked? Wae?
Yun: May I know where you find it?
Crew: At the seat there. He point to the place that HB ticket seating.
Yun: You sure it is from there?
JJ: Just take your thing.
Yun: I am sorry, thanks for finding for me.
Crew: You are welcome.
Yun: This is belong to HyeJung. How come it is here? Wait a sec, last night the person is Jung?
JJ: What are you murmuring about? Why they say this is not out yet?
Yun: Oh this is I design it and only two.
JJ: Two? One is yours, the second one is with who?
CM: I know his Gal, right?
JJ: Girlfriend? Really? Who…Come on tell me.
Yun: Hmm. Let’s get back to the practice. So HyeJung really here in Japan? I am sure tonight she will come again to find this. I will wait for her.
So the second concert has ended, YunHo make some excuse and send the boys back to the hotel and he went to the stadium again.
HB: Sincha ah, this is so big, how am I going to find?
YunHo ask the guard is anyone in the stadium? The guard say it is the same yesterday. YunHo confirm the person is HyeJung. He slowly see where is she located and starts shouting at her.
Yun: Ya, you over there, what are you doing here?
HB was shocked, thinking that they will fly back to Korea once the concert is ended. Why YunHo is back here? ‘Omo did he know that I am here? I must go at once.’
Yun: Miss HwangBo, where are you going?
HB: Ah he already knows. Sincha shouldn’t come at all.
Yun: Answer me, you should be in Korea not in Japan.
HB still not answer him back. Stood still.
YunHo is walking towards her as she wanted to step away from him but her legs are stoned. Finally he is in front of her. ‘So Jung is this you’re looking for?’
HB: I am sorry, yes I am finding this.
Yun: Why you turn off your cell? I worried that something happen to you.
HB: I am sorry that I make you worried about me.
YunHo give her a hug and embrace her.
Yun: Come let’s go together?
HB: No. I don’t want to be seen by the fans.
Yun: Come let’s go. Jung. I will protect you. I can’t be myself anymore if you are not by my side.
HB: Don’t say like this. We will take one step at a time. Future we can’t predict.
Yun: Please just stay by my side.
HB: We can’t let other people know, so let try to keep it low profile. I think we can do it right? YunHo?
Yun: No. I can’t promise that.
HB: Wae? I can’t let you caught between me and your career. I don’t want you to be a selfish person. I think I love your career will be more stable and I do not want to be the person will become a burden to you. Our relationship has to keep it under wrap. Okie? Promise?
Yun: Okie but there are still guys want to date you out.
HB: Ah, you jealous? Silly, come over here. She pull his collar near her and kiss him and YunHo is so much in love with her, so he promise to her.

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